Tattoo Design Collection 2024

2024 Tattoo-DesignS ready for booking

Below, you’ll find a collection of my latest tattoo designs, ready to be tattooed. This design collection takes priority in my booking process, giving you the chance to get an appointment as soon as possible.

I’m particularly thrilled about this collection because many of the designs feel like a return to my artistic roots. When I first began my career, many of my tattoos centered around a concept I refer to as “split faces.” These designs typically feature animal or human faces, with one side “alive” and a skull on the other, juxtaposing the themes of life and death. The geometry and other elements are matured versions of my work from 10 years ago, incorporating a modern twist influenced by my continuously evolving sense of aesthetics and finesse.

Each design is one of a kind and will be tattooed by me only once, ensuring its exclusivity to you and that it will not be sold to others afterward.

My designs are drawn digitally, so you’ll see a 2-dimensional representation of a 3-dimensional image. Remember that an actual tattoo has a different look and characteristics, which, in my opinion, are even more appealing than the mock-up pictures.

I've attached an example from my last collection next to a finished result (middle to bottom healed) as a reference:


Available Designs


Tattoo-Design No. 1

This design focuses on the theme of flow and nature. The overall design is elongated to make a good fit for an arm or leg piece. With the leaves on the top part wrapping around the limb, it creates a three-dimensional effect vs. many tattoos which look more like a flat "patch." In the center a water wave is incorporated as well as planet Earth and the phases of the moon, to symbolize that everything comes in phases.

This design is perfect for everyone who is a free-flowing spirit but who still has a balance through being grounded. The design gives the appearance of elegance and strength at the same time and is a great fit for men and women alike.

To reserve your appointment for this tattoo, please use the email address at the bottom of this post.

Tattoo-Design No. 2

As you may already know, I love tattooing skulls due to their visual appeal and the symbolism they carry. This design is a split composition that includes both a female face and a skull, symbolizing the duality of life and death. These two facets are like two sides of the same coin we call "living," and are not adversaries but rather part of a symbiotic relationship. Think about a life with no end; it would lead to endless postponements, and there would be no incentive for growth. It's mortality that creates the urgency for experience and personal evolution.

The composition also incorporates various elements that have become my signature styles, such as triangles, mandalas, florals, and geometric patterns.

This design represents a return to my artistic origins—a Back-To-The-Roots project with a modern, refined twist. It is a perpetual reminder of growth, development, and the transience of life: seize the moment because “This Too Shall Pass.”

Possible placement: Forearm, upper arm, leg.

To reserve your appointment for this tattoo, please use the email address at the bottom of this post.

Tattoo-Design No. 3

This design is perfect for anyone who loves the outdoors. It features four distinct layers set within diamond-shaped frames: a drop of water at the bottom, symbolizing water as the basis of all life; a forest; mountains; and at the top, an eye. The eye represents consciousness and awareness, which nature can help one achieve. The composition flows beautifully and can work on various body parts.

Possible placement: Forearm, back, leg. According to my friend Daria, possible target audience: granola people.

To reserve your appointment for this tattoo, please use the email address at the bottom of this post.

Tattoo-Design No. 4

This design focuses on the central theme of femininity and elegance. It has a natural body flow, combined with imagery to create a balance between softness and strength.

The crane is a classic tattoo element and stands as a symbol of grace and freedom for the person wearing this tattoo. Underneath the crane, I've decided to add peony flowers which are also classic tattoo elements because of their beautiful aesthetics. Flowers, for me, always are a symbol of strength. Not the strength of rough or violent force, but rather their persistence and gentleness, which at times may appear like weakness but in fact holds the power, even as a tiny sprout, to crack through even the most rigid concrete.

The delicate ornaments on the bottom create a transition and accentuate the natural body flow of the feminine curvature (representing elegance).

Regarding body part, I recommend the upper leg as shown in the picture, since the placement holds another significant meaning as it is usually hidden from public view and more reserved for those who are trustworthy to be shown such an intimate area of the body.

Still, the ornaments on the bottom of the tattoo will create the perfect teaser when they lurk out of a skirt or short pants, showing that there is a hidden gem to be discovered when trust has been earned.

To reserve your appointment for this tattoo, please use the email address at the bottom of this post.

Tattoo-Design No. 5

For the overall composition of this design, I went for two crossing axes with an x-axis and an exaggerated y-axis. This has two reasons: first, an elongated line makes the body part look leaner and more elegant; and second, the symbolism of the two axes (dimensions) themself. For me, the y-axis in my designs often represents "time" and the x-axis symbolizes life itself since the very moment in which we exist is not part of time/or a timeline (past and future), but rather it's an infinite vertical dimension. There is no limit to the experience in the very moment; hence I've elongated the x-axis significantly over the y-axis.

In the middle of both of these dimensions, the crossing is the center (the self). Around this center, I've decided to place two playing birds. One aspect of the birds is that they represent playfulness, which is the main ingredient to being able to really live in the moment. Even more importantly, they represent both "love" and "freedom". Freedom is the very core from which love arises. Any love which isn't free isn't love. There can be no real love without freedom.

Around the birds, I've added some circles because they are the simplest way to illustrate a constant flow of things (see also the two arrows) and are also a minimalist expression of "oneness".

From the center (self) down, there's a transformation into water drops. These water drops and the ripples they create represent "oneness". Since every single being in this universe is part of one and the same center (oneness), we can say that every being we encounter is merely a ripple surrounding the very same center. They might look different; some are bigger, some are smaller, but they are only the circumference of the same "one".

Above the birds are the moon phases, which I found very fitting in the composition since everything in this world of matter goes through cycles. Everything is just part of a spectrum, like light and darkness. To accentuate that idea, I even created the entire composition as a play of opposites (light and dark areas, moons and sun, feminine and masculine), which is another reference to "oneness" since oneness is the perfect balance between both of these aspects. Basically, the opposite of duality.

The top part is a very abstract version of the sun — together with the moons, we capture the theme of balance and opposites again.

At the very top of the design, I wanted to add elements that frame the biceps area. I've decided to go for "wing-ish" elements since they have a fantastic flow with the body and anatomy and because they mirror the bird theme and bring some lightness and playfulness into your own life.

To reserve your appointment for this tattoo, please use the email address at the bottom of this post.

Tattoo-Design No. 6

This butterfly design came to me as a reminder to take everything lightly in life. Another aspect I love about butterflies or Lepidoptera, in general, is the fact that they go through metamorphosis. They progress from one form to another, and the symbolism that after at first crawling in the dirt, they end up flying through the air is a symbol for me of how everything can change when we just follow and trust nature, go through every step until our being, symbolically speaking, grows wings and moves freely.

I decided to add some branches because they create a beautiful flow with the body part as well as a perfect counterbalance to the geometric elements which are framing the entire design.

This design is unisex, and I'm open to suggested ideas placement-wise.

To reserve your appointment for this tattoo, please use the email address at the bottom of this post.

Tattoo-Design No. 7

I've been working on a series of elegant, feminine, and highly simplistic designs.

I enjoy arrangements with large amounts of space surrounding them—making the body part and its shape part of the whole design rather than having the tattoo design as a closed composition. In this case, I've created a preview for a tattoo that accentuates the feminine curvature on the back of the leg.

The idea is to tattoo multiple "decals" to flow with the human body. Another aspect of this tattoo style is the possibility of making the entire body a whole piece of art without patching every body part full with heavy tattoos. Being fully packed with tattoos looks good on some people, and on others, it looks better to keep it simple and delicate. Another positive aspect of working with these elements is that the amount of time needed to make the entire body an artwork is relatively short compared to large full-body tattoos, which can take up multiple years.

As stated before, the original design created here was the symmetric decal for the backside of the legs, which elongate on the side of the body. These compositions look best when they complement the body's symmetry, with identical tattoos on each body part. If you're interested in this aesthetic or want to give me free rein to create compositions of this kind for you, feel free to reach out, and we can discuss the process, even for full-body concepts.

To reserve your appointment for this tattoo, please use the email address at the bottom of this post.


Reserve your Design and Book Tattoo-Appointment

If you're interested in reserving an appointment for a design from this collection, please email me with info about the body part you have in mind, the approximate size, and some attached pictures of the body part.

First come, first serve. I look forward to working on a fantastic tattoo with you.

– Daniel


Geometric Design Essentials Vol. 1